It is time for spring cleaning, and I still have a box of books sitting in my office WAITING to take some lucky winners on a journey of a lifetime! A few months ago I did a giveaway using Goodreads, but this time I’m going to try out LibraryThing.com. Goodreads was nice, but it was rather expensive. Not only that, I’d like to step out of the Amazon ecosystem and see what else is out there.
I’ll be giving away the same amount of books: 12 signed paperbacks with red quartz bookmarks and 2 signed hardcovers with dust jackets to two random people on my email list and 2 signed matte hardback copies for those on the email list as well. The Giveaway on LibraryThing is for US residents only due to increased shipping prices. However, the giveaway for the hardback books is international. If you want to join that giveaway, sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Note: As of 2pm the giveaway is now active!
See book details here https://howlingdusk.com/books/
hours minutes seconds
The giveaway is over!
Join the e-mail list for a chance to win a free signed hardcover and stay informed of future events (Book releases, Beta Sessions, ARC Reviews, New Stories, Giveaways). Upcoming physical ARC copies of The Varcross Key (a werewolf fantasy set in the same universe as The Mark of Amulii) will be available early next year.
Important: I take privacy seriously, and aside from email addresses (which can be removed when you unsubscribe), I do not store names, addresses or any other personal information on this site or in my email. All contest winners, beta readers, ARC reviewers who got physical copies will have their names and physical addresses purged as soon as I ship their books. This means you’ll have to reenter information in the future if you win any giveaways or take part in another ARC/beta.