ARC Signups are now live! (CLOSED)

The limit has been reached on ARC sign-ups. The official release date is March 15th, and Kindle Preorders go up in about a week (I’ll keep you updated). Thank you all who participated in both the beta and ARCs! I’ll be sending out ARCs later this week.

It’s that time again. Like with The Mark of Amulii, ARC (Advance Review Copies) of the book will be available soon in electronic format only. You can choose between EPUB and PDF, either should work on most e-readers/phones.

So, what is an ARC?

Simply put, an Advance Review Copy is exactly what it says it is, they are early copies of the book released in near a nearly complete stage (there may be a few typos or missing words, but it is mostly the complete book). The purpose of ARCs are so that the book gets reviews within the first few days of release. That means, people who receive ARC copies are strongly encouraged to leave reviews on either Goodreads and/or Amazon after the book goes live. This is simply to encourage more readers to buy the book if they see there are already reviews for it.

I will release the ARC one month in advance to publication, so you will be reading the story in its final form before anyone else. If you did beta read the book, you will still get a signed physical copy in the mail as soon as I can get the copies ordered. I won’t be able to ship them internationally this year, unfortunately.

If you are interested in reading and reviewing an advanced copy, use the signup form below: ARC signups are now closed.

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