June 5, 2024

Whether you’re a reader who would like to know more about the industry or a writer looking to get a story published, learning about the different paths authors take in their publication journeys is invaluable. I’m not in any way an all-knowing authority on either path, but I’ll share my insight on my experiences in…

March 7, 2023

Lately, I’ve begun unfollowing a lot of indie authors for different reasons. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t unfollow all of them because there are some that have genuinely great or funny things to post, while also being entertaining to engage with. However, those that I did unfollow were from when I created an author…

January 26, 2023

This is not really an article, just an update on me, my writing, and what I plan to do in the coming year. It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since I published The Mark of Amulii, and I have been slowly (very slowly) gaining traction and publicity. Though recently, with the addition…

August 10, 2022

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and I thought I’d post some real talk about the process (or what I went through and my personal feelings on it). There’s been growing interest in my book and the continuation of the series, which has been phenomenal! However, there’s a lot misconception about what…

June 12, 2022

What a year 2022 has been so far. I made new friends, started a long-distance (soon to be close) relationship, and rewrote a novel I drafted at the start of last year. My upcoming book “The Varcross Key” is currently in the beta phase, and there will probably be one more smaller beta phase after…

November 6, 2021

I’ve been keeping up with AuthorTube for over a year now, and while I’m not quite as enthralled with it as I once was, it still offers valuable resources. I’ve made quite a few mistakes with my debut novel, but I’m thankful to have had access to the experiences of other authors (traditionally published and…


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